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Share your point of view.

Like reading great literature? Interested in discussing texts as part of an engaged panel, passionately sharing insights? 

Join our panel discussion.

The Folktale Podcast is looking for an engaged group of writers and/or readers to discuss books in a book club format. We are looking for varied perspectives and ideas, folks from different walks of life with one thing in common: the love of good writing.

We want a lively and engaged conversation that is focused and positive, with an eye towards reading as writers. We are reading for insight into the writing craft, to be moved by an author's voice, and to witness how storytelling binds us all in our humanity.

You do not have to have a degree in English Literature to participate, just a willingness to read deeply, share your insights, and engage with our panel and audience.

We want your opinion.

What pushed you and stretched you as a reader, writer, or person? What did you learn about writing? How did the characters, their lives and personalities, change the way you think or push you? These are some of the discussions we'll have.

Conversations run roughly an hour, including short introductions of our panel. Discussion topics are tailored to the text, and all panel members will receive a reading guide along with specific discussion questions before the panel meets. We want you to be prepared. 

There are some technical guidelines. Please be prepared to set aside two hours on the day of the panel discussion. You will also need the ability to Skype call or have us phone call you on a quiet landline.

The Folktale Society Book Club: 

  • A bi-monthly reading club
  • Diverse with different panel members each meeting
  • Engaged, passionate conversation about Literature.
  • Supportive atmosphere to learn and grow
  • Focused on reading deeply, paying attention to craft details, and engaged reading

When sending us your request, please include a short bio (roughly 2-3 lines, to be read on air), and a longer bio that tells us more about who you are. 

*Important: Include your bio(s) in the body of the email. Please do not send any attachments.  

If you are chosen, we will need a cropped photo to share on the blog alongside your bio. You will be given two months to read the text, a reading guide, and shortly before we meet an email with our discussion questions.

Email request, with Join the Society  in the subject line to: thefolktale [ at ]  gmail [ dot ] com 

We look forward to hearing from you.