Grow Well.
Start with nature. That's my motto for living a natural and conscious life dedicated to nourishing my soul. My life is rooted in my garden; it is where I write, find a higher sense of calling and living, find inspiration, peace and feed my family.
If we are to eat consciously, how our food is grown matters. My garden philosophy is get out of nature's way, do little harm, think beyond short-term growing goals and consider the animals, insects, and plants that share their home with us and our families. Organic gardening, as I see it, is the only way to care for my family, the land, and the creatures who call it home.
I am a urban 'farmer' who practices companion gardening, crop rotation, and organic pest and weed control. Though I can barely remember a life without a garden (my grandparents grew our food and raised poultry), I have been an organic vegetable gardener for the past fifteen years.
Hungry Folktale is a literary whole food and natural living journal dedicated to providing and highlighting whole, homegrown, and often vegan food that feeds and nourishes the soul.