Frequently Asked Questions:
Essential Oils
What are essential oils?
Essential oils (EOs) are the highly concentrated, volatile ( oils of plants, usually extracted from the leaf, stem, flower, peel, or root. It is usually extracted through one of two different processes: steam distillation or cold pressing. The oil contains the plants fragrance, and all the other quintessential matter of the plant in a highly concentrated form. Proponents of EOs believe they have therapeutic properties when inhaled and used topically.
How do you use EOs?
Essential oils are used by inhaling them, usually through a diffuser, or topically when diluted in a carrier oil and applied to the skin. Young Living EOs are considered therapeutic grade, and a select few of them are safe to consume in very, small/minute amounts (1-2 drops in a large amount of liquid, baked good, soup/stew, etc. *It is important to note that it is only suggested to ingest therapeutic grade EOs that are also consider GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by the FDA. For a list of GRAS oils, see this link.
What are "hot" oils, and "carrier oils;" what do I need to know?
Hot oils are oils that cause a hot or warm feeling when applied "neat" or directly to the skin without a carrier oil. A carrier oil is a vegetable oil, like olive oil or coconut oil, used to dilute oils when applying them directly to the skin. When you apply the oil without a carrier oil, it is consider a "neat" application, which means you have not diluted the EO.
When using hot oils, make sure to do a small patch, making sure you use a carrier oil to dilute it. Though using a carrier oil dilutes the oil, this dilution only makes it safe to apply the oil on your skin, and does not change the effectiveness of the EO. In fact, diluting oils helps to apply the oils, and make sure you do not waste precious oil by over application. Remember, EO are highly concentrated, you only need a few drops.
Here is a list of hot oils: Oregano oil, cinnamon, clove, peppermint, thyme, lemongrass, Thieves, and Exodus II.
What's the shelf life of my oils?
SYoung Living oils do not expire!
How many drops are in a 5 ml and 15 ml bottles of oil?
There are about 100 drops in the 5 ml bottle, and 300 drops in the 15 ml bottle. Of course, this depends on the viscosity of the oil.
How often can I use my oils? Will I detox? How long will they stay in my system?
When applying EOs to your skin they immediately move through your skin and into your system. Because of this quick absorption they move in and out of your system quickly. When you begin using oils, start low and slow. This is not a more is better situation. Start with 1-3 drops with your first application, and slowly work your way up from 1 or 2 times a day to 3 or 4. Listen to your body, and slowly increase your use until your body becomes used to the oil. This will allow you to watch for any adverse reactions, should they occur. Once you reach a level that is working for you, stop there. There is never a need to add more than what you need.
Are oils safe for kids, pregnancy, nursing mothers, or my condition?
First, most EOs are safe for kids, and all EOs should be diluted before applying on children. Some YL oils come pre-diluted to make application easier. YL also has a line specially made for kids, to make using them with children easy.
With any medical condition, it is always safe to speak with a trained healthcare provider who is knowledgable about EOs before use. During pregnancy and nursing, it is recommended to stay clear of these EOs: clary sage, sage, tansy, hyssop, fennel, and wintergreen.
With all your oils, please do your own research, read labels, and speak to your health care provider before using.
What about sun exposure/UV light and essential oils?
There are some essential oils that make you more sensitive to sunlight/UV light, like citrus oils. All of YL oils that cause this increase in sensitivity carry a sun/UV light warning on their label. In these instances, it is recommended to stay out of direct sunlight/UV light for 12-48 depending on your body's reaction. Always do a small patch test, before applying oils to large section of your skin. Each person is different in their sensitivity to sunlight/UV lights when using EOs.
Are there any special storing instructions for EOs and products made with EOs?
Yes! Please do not use plastic with your EOs or use them to store your EO made products, especially citrus EOs (The plastic will melt!). It is reported that BPA free plastics are okay, but I believe it is best to use glass products.
Why do I hate/love this oil/oil blend so much?
Oil enthusiast believe that strong reactions to a particular oil or oil blend shows you need the oil and your body is reacting to its smell. So if you hate it, give it some time, and if you love it, enjoy!
If I'm allergic to the plant will I be allergic to the oil?
Not always. Because plant allergies are often to the proteins in the plant's leave, flower, seed, or roots, and none of that is present in the oil, it is possible that you will be able to safely use the EO of a plant you are allergic to. Before you jump in, take your time and slowly use the oil to see how your body reacts to it. Try smelling it first, if that doesn't create an immediate aversion, try a small, diluted amount in an inconspicuous spot.
Young Living Frequently Asked Questions
Is Young Living's business reputable? Is it a pyramid scheme?
Absolutely not. Young Living is more than 20 years old, and has the highest rating from the BBB. Also, please remember that pyramid schemes are illegal. In a pyramid scheme participants are asked to "invest" and bring in others to "invest." Only the the top "investor" receives any money, and there is never a product. So you are investing in nothing.
Young Living has a generous compensation plan because the company believes in paying its users instead of marketing and ad companies. All their advertising and marketing is paid to users/customers of the product.
Is it weird to "sell" YL?
When you fall in love with Young Living's EOs you never feel like you are selling, but instead sharing your love and passion of Young Living. I never feel weird because I truly love my oils and they have changed my life. One of the best things about Young Living is sharing my passion for the products with others.
Also, we are always selling things we love with those we love. We recommend our favorite restaurants, foods, cleaning products, shampoo, phones, the list can go on and on. It is human nature to want to share what we love and what we believe in, especially with those we love.
If I sign up as a distributor do I have to sell?
No. Never. You are never obligated to sell YL products, though you may naturally find yourself sharing. The wonderful thing about signing up as a distributor is you are sure to always receive a 24% discount. Use it for yourself, to buy products for friends and family, to build a business, the decision is always yours and you can always change your mind either way.
Do I have to buy products or buy any monthly minimums?
No. The wonderful thing about YL is you never have to do anything, including buying any monthly minimums. You get to choose how much you want to buy at all times, with no penalty.
Is there a yearly membership fee since I don't have to buy a monthly minimum?
No, YL doesn't have a membership fee. The only thing YL asks to keep your account active is to purchase 50PV worth of products a year.
What's PV mean?
PV is the product value number of an item. Most times it is exactly the same as the dollar amount of an item, but for some promotional items it is different.
Essential Rewards Frequently Asked Questions
What is Essential Rewards?
Essential Rewards is an autoship program offered exclusively to YL members.
What are the benefits of signing up for Essential Rewards (ER)?
The primary benefit is receiving a regular shipment of YL products and as a result, having the opportunity to use a wide range of products. You are much more likely to try and discover new favorite products if you are committed to a monthly order. It is also the smart and easiest way to build your oil collection, and make sure you always have the oil you need on hand.
Here are some more benefits:
- Earned Essential Rewards points each month you are enrolled for free products
- Discounted shipping rate
- Discounted Essential Reward kits
- Exclusive Bonus, including Rising Star Team bonus
How do I earn points, and how much do I earn?
When you are enrolled in a minimum 50 PV ER purchases a month you are eligible to receive points back on each of your orders.
- 1-6 consecutive months enrolled with ER: 10% back
- 7-12 consecutive months enrolled with ER: 15% back
- 13+ consecutive months enrolled with ER: 20% back
Can I cancel my ER enrollment at anytime?
Yes. There is no penalty for canceling your ER enrollment. (However, when you cancel your enrollment you immediately loose your collected points, so always make sure to redeem your points before canceling.)
Do I have to order the same thing every month?
No. You can order what ever you want each month. That's the fun of it, to discover new products each month.
What if I need to change the date of my shipment; do I have to order on the same date each month or can I change as needed?
You may change your ER order date whenever you want, each month. No questions asked.
What if I need a month off, do I have to cancel and start all over again?
You can have a free month off each calendar year with not penalty. Just call customer service and let them know you'd like to use your skip month.
How long are my points available to be redeemed; do they ever expire?
Yes, your points expire within 12 months of receiving them, so use your ER points!
Is it worth it? And why?
I highly recommend setting up an ER account, especially if you are committed to improving your health and wellbeing, and/or building your YL business.
As a business, you are only eligible for certain bonuses when you are actively purchasing 100 PV worth of products a month. But, beyond that, when you are actively purchasing and using the YL products you will have the biggest improvement to your personal health and wellness. You'll find yourself exploring new products and oils, and also building your collection of oils.
Why do I have to buy products to get bonuses?
It's simple, how can you promote and encourage others to use a product you don't use, are not committed to, or are not actively using and understanding? Personally, I think it is unethical to promote a product you don't actively use yourself. Would you trust Apple products if Steve Jobs used Microsoft computers?
Personally, I feel it is my obligation and pleasure to use the products (daily) that I promote. I believe in them. I love them. I am happy to have them a part of my everyday life.
How do you afford this commitment on a budget?
Okay, we're friends here, so let's talk real. I'm married to an accountant that specializes in budget analysis. My entire adult life (I've been married since 21 years old) has been lived on a budget. I know. I know budget living well. Here are my suggestions:
- Prioritize. What is most important to you? Is there something unhealthy in your budget you can swap for your oily fund? Starbucks? Eating out? Manicure/Pedicure?
- Product Transfer. Swap items you already buy (hand soap, body care, vitamins/supplements, etc.) with YL products that are better for your family's health, and the environment.
- Baby Steps. Start where you are. Perhaps you can only commit to 50PV to start. Great! Start where you are and slowly build up in increments to where you want to go. It is always better to do something, and make small manageable steps than to do nothing.
- Invest. Consider it an investment into your personal health and wellbeing. That alone helps you take another look at your priorities and adjust your lifestyle to include a monthly oil budget.
- Build it in. If you build it into your budget (same concept as saving money), you'll most likely find it in your budget. I've learned from my accountant husband that often times we just need to add in the cost and work from there
How do I sign-up?
Existing Members: Go into Virtual Office online, or call customer service: (800) 371-3515
New Members: When you are placing your order for you Premium Starter Kit (PSK), you will have the option to add Essential Rewards to your sign-up.